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A Meet & Greet for Gender Equality, A Conversation

A Meet & Greet for Gender Equality, A Conversation

Hosted by the Women in Global Health team

Held on May 24th, 2017 at the 70th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland


On Wednesday, May 24th, at the Serpentine Bar at the Palais des Nations, a place known for policy change makers to connect and idea generation, Women in Global Health hosted a meet and greet for global health leaders to learn more about Women in Global Health and share experiences to shape our movement.

Women in Global Health teams members had the opportunity to engage with over 25 world health assembly delegates from sharing the story of Women in Global Health to focusing on considerations and future opportunities for the movement. The group was also joined by a very special guest, Dr. Sharmila Anand, who was awarded as one of our “Heroines of Health” at the Heroines of Health reception and gala event on Sunday, May 21st, and who will be featured here in the documentary following her work and that of two of our other awardees.

The meeting kicked off with opening remarks and welcomed the 25 attendees to our discussion, updating them on our latest initiatives, including: the Call to Action, the 2nd year of our Call for Commitments, and our work and accomplishments so far. After the introductions, all attendees were invited to participate in breakaway sessions regarding their areas of interest, from strategy to research and gender-focused discussions, as well as how to engage further with WGH moving forward.

A few of the take away messages and questions posed:

  1. Building a women in global health community that is inclusive, accessible across the world and a place for all people involved in global health, especially other health professionals such as nurses, health workers, pharmacists and non-health professionals too is important.

  2. Personal stories about the challenges faced, especially gender discrimination and sexual harassment need to be brought forward. Consider surveys or other creative tools to shed light to the issue.

  3. Good practices and tools should be evaluated and shared across the global health community

  4. Gender disaggregated data and research is important to advancing the work.

  5. Partnerships are an untapped opportunities.

  6. Mentorship is important for the talent pipeline and young people want to participate as mentors and mentees.

  7. Policy changes should be central to making long lasting changes.

  8. Gender Equality in certain settings, context and countries is still a vague concept, how do you explain gender transformative leadership and why is it important?

  9. How does Women in Global Health plan to bring sustainability to the movement?

  10. How can one contribute to the Women in Global Health movement, what role do men have?

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